Tuesday, June 5, 2007

America! are you retired and tired and feel retarded

Imagine one day you hear on News a Disney World Executive announcing. “Ladies and gentlemen I am pleased to announce that Dick Cheney will be starring in the next The Mask 3 movie sequel. He has signed a contract with us after his tenure of vice president expires he will begin working on the project immediately.” Digest that wild thought and be careful to not choke. How would Americans react at such announcement, Dick Cheney in comedy? He should see a psychiatrist.

We know Cheney has very stern looks, and almost has no time for trivial comical nonsense. Imagining him, being the star of the mask 3 instead of Jim Carrey is like taboo. Figure the buzz it would create, the curiosity his presence in the big screen would draw even from harsh political critics. Can you imagine him doing all those crazy hilarious acts Jim Carey does in the mask 1. Perhaps think Dick Cheney providing the voice for the Donkey in Shrek or for a hamster in over the hedge. It would be unpredictable first because nobody expected, or nobody has ever imagined Cheney from that comical perspective but it also could motivate.

My point for those observations is to enlighten anyone who limits himself because of age or time. It is never too late or too awkward to try something you secretly desire. Do not be limited by expectations people place on you which is why I used the Dick Cheney example. So what, if you have lived all your life being in administration and there was no hint of fun in your life. Just designer suits and stern looks like evident when Donald Trump is firing erratic apprentices. Come on; inject some unpredictability in your life, especially when you all the time in your hands, like in retirement. Go to a local comedy club and try doing some skit, even if you don’t make the audience laugh, or you are booed trust me. When you go back home and reflect on it you will laugh your heart out, and so will your family. Forget routine and live life to the full.

I have been trying out yodeling I am not good at it but I like at times hearing myself sound stupid and nuts and laugh at myself. To me, that is the concept that makes life exciting and propels anyone to not lose the will to live. Humor is all around us, but at times our ego and so called classiness, prevents us from being happy. Maybe you are afraid what your family or those who look unto you think. To be uneconomical with the truth, most people we deem are serious, wish they could do something wild nobody expects them to but are afraid of the buzz it might generate. Imagine a sixty seven year old dad, wild enough to dye his hair brown like Dennis Rodman.

Free advice reader if it makes you happy, and it does not end up landing you in jail do it, never mind the critic, the stares your life is yours enjoy it while it lasts. To support my point I will pose to you a question. Regardless of your age, what do you normally do when left alone in the house and you get bored? All over sudden, you could stand in front of the mirror and stare at your bare hanging belly then you start dancing. You take a broom and you use it as a microphone and belt out those James Brown golden oldies not minding you are really croaking, and nobody in your family can stand you singing. Suddenly your twenty nine year old son realizes he left an item at home he comes in without knocking and lo and behold he finds you doing, or at least trying to do the split. You are busy enjoying yourself that it takes eternity to realize he has a video camera in his hand and he is tearing up due to laughter. When you realize he busted you don’t apologize if you can still contain yourself and the embarrassments do the funky chicken in his view.

Come evening when all are back home instead of the gloom from the day’s hectic schedules and fatigue they will be discussing and poking fun at you. Don’t get angry sit back like a king and relax you are now the centre of attention. This is all what everyone want to be the focus point. When that happens it does more good than shame. Reason being you forget your aching back, the shaky muscle cramps in fact you discard the negativity buzz that naysayer associate with aging. All that depends on you reader, are you radical enough to dare differently and live fulfilled.

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