Saturday, June 16, 2007

Demystifying Mother-In-law

First I met your daughter,

I fell for her she played hard to get scared; I thought I had no charm.

Then with persistent she succumbed to my charm.

She said “James it is time you met mother”

I said “well that soon”

She said preying on my weakness “you love me don’t you”

I said “sure I do”

My heart was willing, although it almost had an attack.

The day was here, and you were there, soon to be mother in law,

Just across the table, watching me with keen eye like a hawk

That had to come to snatch without mercy your daughter

I was uneasy forgive me for when I was chewing the food,

You asked the question,

“Who are you?”

“Well I am” then atchooooo!

That fickle sneeze altered your perception of me if any.

Well with the food in my mouth I sneezed right at your new dress

You took it like a woman and yelled “do you know how this dress what this cost me”

I answered like a potential son in law under siege.

“I don’t, I don’t wear dresses but I will know after I marry you daughter.”

Off course I was arrogant but it was pressure you placed on me

Pressure to play perfect before you, my emotions caved.

Your emotions caved and swore at me throwing tantrums.

I was not bothered by that, words don’t hurt or injure,

What you did next, is what even today bothers me.

Did you have to let your dogs loose on me?

Phew! I am glad we made up although we never kissed.

I married your daughter; I am now more at ease and peace with you.

But stop suggesting you want to move in with us indefinitely, impromptu

No love lost but you, me same roof I will be see sick

Sick of seeing you coming from the bathroom in a towel

Your daughter is doing fine she even gained weight

Imagine a former home coming queen, and model

Well she comes home to me now I am honored by that.

Few pounds on her don’t make a difference to me

What I treasure are her awesome values.

On behalf of all men I write this to vanquish the notion

That our relationship can’t be rosy

Even though there are thorns I pray for you daily I love you

You gave me your daughter she had values morals and loved GOD.

You taught her that out of love for her.

Now, I fully understand why you over protected her

I could have done the same if in your position.

What great kids she gave me.

The other day mother in law you caught me off guard

When you told my kids how great a father and husband I was

Plus how you are proud of me, you got me mother in law!!!

My tears welled knowing you think that highly of me

Thank you mother in law I love you

For a long time you have been misunderstood

Now I have shattered that myth

Knowing your kind heart

I will call you mother from now on.

You are awesome bye for now

I will come visiting soon.

From a former besieged son in law

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